Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Reading #9. PaleoSketch: Accurate Primitive Sketch Recognition and Beautification (Paulson)


In this paper a system is introduced to recognize a set of primitive shapes. The primitive shapes recognized by this paper are: straight lines, polylines, arcs, circles, helixes, spirals, etc.

It is a low level process which is usually utilized in the initial steps of the recognition to provide input to higher levels.

The recognizer basically gives the strokes to a set of different low level recognizers, namely eight. Each classifier then returns whether the stroke is belongs to that class or not along with the beatified stroke in case it is.

Moreover, PaleoSketch incorporates two new features: normalized distance between direction extremes (NDDE) and direction change ratio (DCR), both of which are a measure to detect spikes in the direction graph and are discriminators between Curve and Polyline.


PaleoSketch has a very high classification rate with overall recognition of about 98.6%, it paves way for higher level recognitions. However, I think the only important primitives to be recognized are circle, line and polyline. Shapes such as spiral or helix are quite domain dependent and the choice to add them to the list of primitive shapes seems arbitrary to me.

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